Advent Calendar

I have finished my advent calendar! And by the 3rd of December to boot! 🙂

I started it back at the very beginning of November in the hope that I would get it finished in time despite all the distractions of the holiday season.

Here it is, not quite finished, as I try out character placement and buttons.

Here it is up on my very white wall!

and here is a close up of my first 4 ornaments, the three sheep and the little drummer boy.  Oops! I guess I should have done a shepherd to go with the sheep! Oh well.


In other Christmas news, I finished my father-in-law’s present and I am very pleased with how it turned out. Though next time I will be extra  careful with the second row of logs and make sure that all the wheels point inward. I was trying to make them look as though they were driving around the pillow but since the trucks point multiple directions this was not really possible.


You may have noticed that the background seems somewhat familiar. That is because the top part of the armchair catches the winter light the best out of any place in my apartment. sighhhh. To someday have better lighting…or at least windows in a place where it is feasible to put a table!


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