Yarn and Roses

So much better than Guns and Roses, don’t you think? In hindsight, the more accurate title would be Knitting and Roses or Mitts and Roses, but neither of them have the same ring…:) Enough with the prattle, on to the FO information! I finished my Nalu mittens a couple weeks ago, but I only recently […]

Recent Sketches

This is a sketch I did of my apartment. I discovered that the markers I was using, unlike my usual Faber Castell pens, are not waterproof. ARGH. You can see the blurriness of the dissolved markers to the left of the balcony. As a result I had to use another marker (still not waterproof) to […]

Hues of Pink

We’ve had some beautiful sunny days lately, coaxing everything into bloom! This is my Lewisia Cotelydon which is in fine flower and that I adore for it’s pink-orange hues. An ornamental weeping cherry near my work, a classy white-pink. I love ornamental cherries because when all their petals start falling and blowing everywhere, we get […]

RiverLit-a funky, local zine

RiverLit is a literary zine published as an offshoot of the Riverspeak, an online artistic community based out the Spokane area. It features poetry, short stories and art by local artists. This may surprise you but Spokane has a burgeoning poetry community with poetry slams and a weekly Broken Mic event at Neato Burrito where […]

Wildflowers in Bloom

I am loving all the spring flowers right now, but what is making me happiest are the meadows of arrowleaf balsamroot that are springing up all over town. Whenever I see their sunny faces high up on a hill orĀ  sprinkling throughout a park or the wild medians of Spokane, it makes me smile. They […]

Polka Dot Pottery

Recently my knit group got together at Polka Dot Pottery to paint yarn bowls. Since I didn’t really like any of the yarn bowls that were available (all too shallow and decorated with birds on the edge that I was certain would break off at the slightest provocation) so at the urging of Molly, I […]

Llama Fun

I was poodling about on the Internet recently and discovered some very funny llama things. Llama font! You type in whatever you want and it spells it out in llamas! It’s like llamas doing the YMCA but for all letters of the alphabet! I am deeply amused. Are you?